WSF 2010
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During 2010 no new edition of the World Social Forum as a single world event took place. Instead, circa forty thematic and/or regional social forums were arranged across the world and throughout the year. These actions and events will be analyzed and summarized at the WSF in Dakar 2011. After the meeting of the The International Council of the World Social Forum in Montreal (October 2010), the IC Liaison Group has released Proposals on how to connect all the 2010 events together.
A listing of WSF Actions and Events as of 8 January 2010
This list was compiled/updated by "focuspuller" at Source:
1.Event: I Solidarity Economy Social Forum and I Solidarity Economy World Fair Location: Santa Maria and Canoas (Greater Porto Alegre), Brazil. Date: January 22-24th (Santa Maria), 25-29th (Canoas) Contact info: Website:
2. Event: Serra Gaúcha World Social Forum Location: Bento Gonçalves - RS - Brasil Date: January 22-24 Contact info:
3. Event: Intercontinental Youth Camp 10 years - Movements in movement Location: Lomba Grande - Novo Hamburgo, RS Date: January 23-29 Contact info: Website:
4. Event: Tokyo Social Forum - "Get together, Talk, and Go! - Another World is Possible!" Location: Tokyo Korean YMCA Date: January, 24. Contact info:,,, Website:
5. Event: Greater Porto Alegre 10 Years Social Forum / 10 Years World Social Forum Seminar Location: Greater Porto Alegre, Brazil Date: January 25-29 Contact info: Webite:
6. Event: Right and Justice - World Forum Theology and Liberation / Preparatory Seminar towards Dakar (Greater Porto Alegre 10 Years Social Forum) Location: São Leopoldo, RS (Brazil) Date: January, 26th-28th Contact: (FMTL Permanent Secretariat)
7. Event: II Atlantic Local Social Forum Location: Kpomassé, Benin Date: January 28-31 Contact info: Yoro Bi Ta Raymond: /
8. Event: Madrid World Social Forum 2010 Location: Madrid, Spain Date: January 28-31 Contact info: Website:
9. Event: Czech Social Forum Location: Prague, Brno, Usti nad Labem - Czech Republic Date: Januray 29-30 Contact info: Marek Hrubec -
10. Event: Bahia Thematic Social Forum Location: Salvador, Brazil Date: January 29-31 Contact info: Website:
11. Event: 5th Stuttgart-Open-Fair, large Civil Society Festival/Platform Location: Stuttgart, Germany Date: January 29 - 31st Contact info: Website:
12. Event: Catalan Social Forum on Alternatives to Crisis Location: Catalonia, Spain Date: January Contact info:
13. Event: Expanded Social Forum of Peripheries Date: February, 3rd-6th Location: Loteamento Dunas, Pelotas - RS - Brazil. Contacts: ,,,
14. Osaka Social Forum Date: March 21-22 Location: Osaka Contact info: Website:
15. Event: Actions for the Right to City, apart from the World Urban Forum (WUF 5) Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Date: March 22-26 Contact info: / /
16. Event: 2nd Global Boycott, Divestment and Sanction Action Day during the Palestinian Land Day Location: multiple countries Date: March 30th Contact info: Palestinian Boycott Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC):
17. Event: World Forum of the Collective Rights of Peoples Location: Girona, Catalonia, Spain Date: April 22-25 Contact info:
18. Event: Thematic Forum on Alternatives to Financial Crisis Location: Mexico City, Mexico Date: May 2-4 Contact info: Rocío Lombera: / Hector de la Cueva:
19. Event: US Social Forum Location: Detroit, Michigan, USA Date: June 22-26 Contact info: Cindy: / Michael Leon Guerrero: / Jennifer Cox: / USSF 2010 Community list:
20. Event: European Social Forum Location: Istanbul, Turkey Date: Not scheduled yet Contact info: Website:
21. Event: 4th edition of the event “Étrange Rencontre” Location: Guinea Date: July Contact info: Zoul: / Website:
22. Event: 1st World Forum for Culture and Education for Transformation Location: Belém, Brazil Date: July 21-26 Contact info: Dan Baron:
23. Event: 1st meeting “Hegemonic Civilization Crisis and Alternative Paradigms” Location: Bolivia Date: second semester Contact info: Facilitation Group, Roberto Espinoza -
24. Event: 2010 Americas Social Forum Location: Assuncion, Paraguay Date: August 11-15 Contact info: Magdalena León: / José Miguel Hernandes:
25. Event: Thematic Forum on Environment, Migration, and Food Security Location: Niamey, Niger Date: October 15-19 Contact info: Moussa Tchangari: /
26. Event: World Education Forum Location: Palestine Date: October 28-31 (to be confirmed) Contact info: Kathia Dudyk: /
27. Event: Thematic Forum on Labor issues Location: Algeria Date: November Contact info: Hamouda: / Kamal:
28. Event: Community Radio Forum Location: La Plata, Argentina Date: November 08-13 Contact info:
29. Event: 5th Pan-amazonian Social Forum Location: Santarem, Pará, Brasil Date: Last week of November Contact info: Aldalice Otterloo:
30. Event: Nigerian Social Forum Location: Lagos, Niageria Date: December Contact info: Oluwole Oshota: /
31. Event: Thematic Forum on democracy Location: Dacca, Bangladesh Date: December Contact info:
32. Event: World Education Forum, thematic on Education, Research and Culture of Peace Location: Santiago de Compostela, Galicia. Date: December 9-13 Contact info: Kathia Dudyk: /
33. Event: 9th Forum of the Peoples – theme: crisis and poverty Location: Mali Date: Not scheduled yet (it happens during the G8 meeting) Contact info:
34. Event: Thematic Forum on Gender Issues Location: Jordan Date: Not scheduled yet Contact info: Hamouda: / Kamal:
35. Event: Thematic Forum On Agricultural workers, Peasants and Health Location: Egypt Date: Not scheduled yet Contact info: Hamouda: / Kamal:
36. Event: Thematic Forum on Social Movements Location: Morocco Date: Not scheduled yet Contact info: Hamouda: / Kamal:
37. Event: Iraq Social Forum Location: Iraq Date :Not scheduled yet Contact info: Salam Ali
38. Event: International Seminar on the Political Islam Location: Not defined yet Date: Not scheduled yet Contact info: Alternatives International:
A listing of planned social forum events as of June 1, 2009
Below, a copy of a communication by email from the Liaison Group of the International Council of the WSF on June 1, 2009.
Subject: [Wsfic_fsmci] EN/CAS: The World Social Forum in 2010 / El Foro Social Mundial en el 2010 [The following text is in the "windows-1252" character set] [Your display is set for the "ISO-8859-1" character set] [Some characters may be displayed incorrectly] *(VersiÛn en castellano m·s abajo)*** ** *The World Social Forum in 2010:* *Building another solution to the crisis from the social movements* ** * * - *Link together the social answers of the 2009 edition* - *Celebrating ten years of World Social Forum* - *Connecting multiple initiatives and events in the WSF process* - *To the WSF 2011 in Senegal* * * The WSF International Council in its last meeting held in Rabat Morocco from the 6th to the 9th of May addressed among its main issues the discussion on the WSF perspectives for the year 2010, i.e. the strategy which will take course in this key year located between the current activities of 2009 and the realization of the 11th WSF in 2011 to be held in Senegal, Africa. Many activities and initiatives being prepared for 2010 were presented in the meeting. Thematic social forums, regional forums, national forums, some of them with accompanying international activities will happen. To try and give an idea, since there are still some lacking details and we will be able to see it better in the meeting reports, these are the forthcoming activities in order of presentation: - United States Social Forum, in Detroit, with an international day of activities associated to the strategic place of this event, in June. - World Education Forum in Palestine, in the second semester. - World Forum on the Crisis of Civilization and new paradigms, in Cuzco, Peru, during the first trimester. - Many thematic forums in several countries in the Maghreb/Machrek region, year round. - World Forum on the Environment, Migration and Food Sovereignty, in Niger, no date scheduled yet. - World Urban Forum, in Rio de Janeiro, in March, preparatory for the World Assembly of Inhabitants of 2011. - International Forum celebrating 10 years of the WSF, in Porto Alegre, in January. - International Forum on Financial Crisis (coincident with a IC meeting), in Mexico, in April-May. - Many forums in Africa preparing for the 2011 event, year round. - South Asia Forum, Nepal and World Forum on Democracy, in Bangladesh. - Sixth European social forum, in Istambul, in June. - Catalunyan Social Forum, in January. - Collective Rights of Peoples Forum, in Catalunya, during spring time. Not to count the pending details and confirmations concerning the activities above, there are many other activities missing, which have not been reported but are on course, for example the Americas Social Forum, and others that can be included in the list of activities. Certainly, it is not considered here all the actions and mobilizations, which the social movements are developing globally, regionally or locally. Taking this quick overview, the consensus in the IC was that it would not be possible or correct to choose, authorize or decide which activities were to be made and which weren't, or which would be central, nor it was about creating a global initiative yet artificial to be marginalized in this dynamic. In this way, it was understood that all the presented initiatives and all the others that are in the making can be developed under the responsibility of their organizers, and facilitated by the IC. At the same time, it is not about turning 2010 into a year of unconnected events of all sort, but on the contrary link them to the WSF process and share a common strategy. Such strategy can be no other than the one of making the WSF a useful process to link together the answers and alternatives of the social movements and the civil society in general to the crisis or, better said, to the crises, because it is clear that we do not face only a financial or economic crisis, but also an environmental, a food, an energy, a civilizational and last but not least a humanitarian crisis. During the reflection on the crisis and on the possible strategies that preceded the 2010 theme it wasn't only the aforementioned topics that were highlighted but the fact that the crisis will certainly come to an end, that the great powers and the global capital are preparing a solution according to the reproduction of their own interest and that this can turn to an imposition of a more perverse model than the existing one. Therefore, the social movements and the civil society in general have to take the challenge of not only answering the current attacks to their life and work conditions, but to create with their own actions and alternatives a different solution to this crisis, one that permits to replace the predatory neoliberalism to a more just social model and that permits ultimately save the humanity and the planet from disaster. The creation of this solution will be the thread holding the WSF process together. In this way, the IC makes a call for participation in the reflection, the discussion and the building of this strategic vision to what can be the WSF in 2010 (going from the 2009 initiatives and ^”culminating^‘ in the 2011 WSF): - One year of multiple connected activities under the WSF process (or, as someone has said it, ^”a long WSF year^‘) - Put this activities under the label of the WSF 10th anniversary. - Connect these activities in content, images and international participation, and in a logic of accumulation of propositions and actions. - Put all the activities under the umbrella of one slogan. It must still be aproved by the IC, but so far it would be *^”Another solution to the crisis is possible^‘*^≈ to which could be made several different suggestions in the different events, activities or regions. - Create a special logo to it, which will be subject to a ^”contest^‘. - Create other simbolic elements, such as a globe drawn to this purpose and wich will be used as the symbol in every event (just like the Olympic torch). - Guarantee the interconnection of the events through a ^”system of tools^‘ such as the Internet (as in ^”BelÈm expanded^‘), a web page etc. - Guarantee not only the connection but also the sum of proposals and initiatives by means of a ^”form^‘ of questions to be answered in all activities. - In addition to the specific work of each committee of the IC, the creation of a "structure" to ensure meeting the goals: a network of responsibles of every event related to the Strategy Commission to collect and systematize the contributions, a mechanism for coordinating the search of resources, an ad hoc working group of the IC to draw up, promote and coordinate the overall strategy, which has already begun to take form. In this way, waiting for creative inputs and their maturation during the IC meeting in October in Montreal, we are sure that the agreed strategic perspective will give a new impulse to the WSF process and above all else it will be useful to the articulation of the actions and alternatives of the social movements and the civil society in general in order to make another world possible, which is now more urgent than ever. Liaison Group / WSF IC ** ----------- CASTELLANO ----------- * * *EL FORO SOCIAL MUNDIAL EN EL 2010:* *CONSTRUYENDO OTRA SALIDA A LA CRISIS DESDE LOS MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES* * * - *Enlazando las Respuestas Sociales del 2009* - *Celebrando Diez AÒos de Foro Social Mundial* - *Conectando M˙ltiples Iniciativas y Eventos Bajo el Proceso del FSM* - *Hacia el FSM 2011 en Senegal* * * El Consejo Internacional del FSM, en su ˙ltima reuniÛn celebrada del 6 al 9 de mayo en Rabat, Marruecos, abordÛ entre sus puntos centrales la discusiÛn sobre las perspectivas del FSM en el 2010, es decir, la estrategia a seguir en un aÒo clave entre las acciones en curso en el 2009 y la realizaciÛn del XI FSM en 2011, el cual se ha resuelto se realizar· en Senegal, ¡frica. Numerosas actividades e iniciativas a realizarse en el 2010 fueron presentadas durante la reuniÛn. Foros mundiales tem·ticos, foros regionales, foros nacionales, alguno de estos ˙ltimos con actividades internacionales aparejadas, se encuentran en marcha. Para dar una idea y de manera tentativa, puesto que a˙n faltan precisiones y en todo caso se podr·n ver con m·s detalle en las minutas del Consejo, las siguientes son las actividades en el orden en que se presentaron: - Foro Social Estados Unidos, en Detroit, con un dÌa internacional de actividades adjunto por la relevancia estratÈgica del lugar, en junio. - Foro Mundial de EducaciÛn, en Palestina, durante el segundo semestre. - Foro Mundial sobre Crisis de las Civilizaciones y Nuevos Paradigmas, en el Cuzco, Per˙, durante el primer trimestre. - Diversos foros tem·ticos en distintos paÌses de la regiÛn del Magreb y el Mashrek, en el transcurso de todo el aÒo - Foro Mundial sobre Medio Ambiente, MigraciÛn y SoberanÌa Alimentaria, en NÌger, sin fecha - Foro Urbano Mundial preparatorio para la Asamblea Mundial de Habitantes del 2011, en RÌo de Janeiro, en marzo - Foro Internacional de celebraciÛn del 10 aniversario del FSM, en Porto Alegre, en enero - Foro Internacional sobre la Salida a la Crisis (coincidente con la reuniÛn del CI) en MÈxico, abril-mayo - Diversos foros en ¡frica preparatorios del 2011, durante todo el aÒo - Foro en Nepal, øø, y Foro Mundial sobre Democracia, en Bangla Desh - Sexto Foro Social Europeo, en Estambul, en junio - Foro Social de CataluÒa, en enero - Foro sobre los Derechos Colectivos de los Pueblos, en CataluÒa, durante la primavera Adem·s de precisiones y confirmaciones pendientes sobre lo anterior, seguramente a˙n faltan otras actividades que no se reportaron pero est·n en curso, como el Foro Social AmÈricas, y las que todavÌa puedan aÒadirse. Desde luego, todo ello sin considerar las acciones y movilizaciones que seguramente los movimientos sociales estar·n desarrollando de manera global, regional o nacional. Ante este panorama, el consenso del CI fue en el sentido de que no era posible ni correcto ^”escoger^‘, autorizar^‘ o decidir cu·l actividad se hacÌa y cual no, o cu·l podÌa ser central; tampoco se trataba de crear una iniciativa global pero artificial al margen de esta din·mica. Por lo tanto, se asumiÛ que todas las iniciativas presentadas, asÌ como otras en preparaciÛn, podr·n ser realizadas bajo la responsabilidad de sus organizadores y la facilitaciÛn del CI. Al mismo tiempo, no se trata de que en el 2010 se dÈ una suerte de feria de eventos sin conexiÛn, sino enmarcadas bajo el proceso FSM y conectados por una misma estrategia. Tal estrategia no puede ser otra que una que borde en torno a hacer del FSM un proceso ˙til para enlazar las respuestas y alternativas de los movimientos sociales y la sociedad civil en general a la crisis o, mejor dicho, a ^”las crisis^‘, porque es claro que enfrentamos no sÛlo una crisis global financiera o econÛmica, sino tambiÈn ambiental, alimentaria, energÈtica, de civilizaciones, en fin, humanitaria. En los puntos de reflexiÛn sobre la crisis y sobre posibles estrategias que precedieron al tema del 2010 resaltaba no sÛlo lo anterior, sino el hecho de que ciertamente la crisis tendr· un ^”final^‘, que los grandes poderes y capitales globales est·n preparando su ^”salida^‘, acorde a la reproducciÛn de sus intereses, y que Èsta puede significar la imposiciÛn de un modelo tanto o m·s perverso que el actual. Por tanto, los movimientos sociales y la sociedad civil en general tienen el reto no sÛlo de responder a los ataques en curso contra sus condiciones de vida y de trabajo, sino tambiÈn de construir con sus acciones y alternativas una salida diferente a la crisis, aquella que permita remplazar al neoliberalismo depredador por un modelo social m·s justo y que en definitiva permita salvar a la humanidad y al planeta del desastre actual. La construcciÛn de esta salida ser· pues el hilo conductor del proceso FSM. De esta manera, el CI resolviÛ y hace un llamado a participar en la reflexiÛn, la discusiÛn y la construcciÛn de esta visiÛn estratÈgica para lo que puede ser el FSM en el 2010 (partiendo de las iniciativas del 2009 y ^”culminando^‘ en el FSM 2011): - Un aÒo de m˙ltiples actividades conectadas bajo el proceso del FSM (o, como dijo alguien, ^”un largo aÒo de FSM^‘) - Poniendo esas actividades bajo el sello del dÈcimo aniversario del FSM - Conectando esas actividades en contenido, imagen y presencia internacional, y en una lÛgica de acumulaciÛn de propuestas y acciones - Colocando todas las actividades bajo el paraguas de un mismo slogan. A˙n a ser ratificado por el CI, el slogan consensado serÌa: *^”Otra Salida a la Crisis Es Posible^‘*^≈ al que se le podrÌan poner distintos ^”apellidos^‘ acordes o derivados de los distintos eventos, actividades o regiones - Creando un logo especial para ese mismo propÛsito, que estarÌa sujeto a una especie de ^”concurso^‘ - Creando otros elementos simbÛlicos, tales como un Globo diseÒado para ese efecto que pasarÌa como estafeta de evento en evento (en una idea similar a la antorcha olÌmpica) - Garantizando la interconexiÛn de los eventos mediante un ^”sistema de instrumentos^‘ como el Internet (como en ^”Belem expanded^‘), la p·gina web, etc. - Garantizando no sÛlo la conexiÛn sino la acumulaciÛn de propuestas e iniciativas por medio de un ^”formulario^‘ de preguntas comunes a responder en todas las actividades - Adem·s de la labor especÌfica de cada comisiÛn del CI, creaciÛn de una ^”estructura^‘ que garantice cumplir los objetivos: una red de responsables salidos de cada evento vinculada a la ComisiÛn de Estrategia para recoger los aportes y sistematizarlos; un mecanismo de coordinaciÛn de b˙squeda de recursos; un Grupo de Trabajo ad hoc del CI para diseÒar, impulsar y coordinar el conjunto de la estrategia, mismo que ya comenzÛ a formarse. De esta forma, y en espera de aportes creativos y de terminar de madurarlo en el CI de octubre en Montreal, estamos seguros de que la perspectiva estratÈgica acordada dar· un nuevo impulso al proceso FSM y, sobre todo, lo har· ˙til a la causa de la articulaciÛn de las acciones y alternativas de los movimientos sociales y la sociedad civil en general, para hacer otro mundo posible hoy que es m·s urgente que nunca. Grupo de Enlace / CI del FSM [Part 1.2, Text/HTML (charset: Unknown "UTF-8") 897 lines] [Unable to print this part] [ Part 2: "Attached Text" ] _______________________________________________ Wsfic_fsmci mailing list *(VersiÛn en castellano m·s abajo)*** ** *The World Social Forum in 2010:* *Building another solution to the crisis from the social movements* ** * * - *Link together the social answers of the 2009 edition* - *Celebrating ten years of World Social Forum* - *Connecting multiple initiatives and events in the WSF process* - *To the WSF 2011 in Senegal* * * The WSF International Council in its last meeting held in Rabat Morocco from the 6th to the 9th of May addressed among its main issues the discussion on the WSF perspectives for the year 2010, i.e. the strategy which will take course in this key year located between the current activities of 2009 and the realization of the 11th WSF in 2011 to be held in Senegal, Africa. Many activities and initiatives being prepared for 2010 were presented in the meeting. Thematic social forums, regional forums, national forums, some of them with accompanying international activities will happen. To try and give an idea, since there are still some lacking details and we will be able to see it better in the meeting reports, these are the forthcoming activities in order of presentation: - United States Social Forum, in Detroit, with an international day of activities associated to the strategic place of this event, in June. - World Education Forum in Palestine, in the second semester. - World Forum on the Crisis of Civilization and new paradigms, in Cuzco, Peru, during the first trimester. - Many thematic forums in several countries in the Maghreb/Machrek region, year round. - World Forum on the Environment, Migration and Food Sovereignty, in Niger, no date scheduled yet. - World Urban Forum, in Rio de Janeiro, in March, preparatory for the World Assembly of Inhabitants of 2011. - International Forum celebrating 10 years of the WSF, in Porto Alegre, in January. - International Forum on Financial Crisis (coincident with a IC meeting), in Mexico, in April-May. - Many forums in Africa preparing for the 2011 event, year round. - South Asia Forum, Nepal and World Forum on Democracy, in Bangladesh. - Sixth European social forum, in Istambul, in June. - Catalunyan Social Forum, in January. - Collective Rights of Peoples Forum, in Catalunya, during spring time. Not to count the pending details and confirmations concerning the activities above, there are many other activities missing, which have not been reported but are on course, for example the Americas Social Forum, and others that can be included in the list of activities. Certainly, it is not considered here all the actions and mobilizations, which the social movements are developing globally, regionally or locally. Taking this quick overview, the consensus in the IC was that it would not be possible or correct to choose, authorize or decide which activities were to be made and which weren't, or which would be central, nor it was about creating a global initiative yet artificial to be marginalized in this dynamic. In this way, it was understood that all the presented initiatives and all the others that are in the making can be developed under the responsibility of their organizers, and facilitated by the IC. At the same time, it is not about turning 2010 into a year of unconnected events of all sort, but on the contrary link them to the WSF process and share a common strategy. Such strategy can be no other than the one of making the WSF a useful process to link together the answers and alternatives of the social movements and the civil society in general to the crisis or, better said, to the crises, because it is clear that we do not face only a financial or economic crisis, but also an environmental, a food, an energy, a civilizational and last but not least a humanitarian crisis. During the reflection on the crisis and on the possible strategies that preceded the 2010 theme it wasn't only the aforementioned topics that were highlighted but the fact that the crisis will certainly come to an end, that the great powers and the global capital are preparing a solution according to the reproduction of their own interest and that this can turn to an imposition of a more perverse model than the existing one. Therefore, the social movements and the civil society in general have to take the challenge of not only answering the current attacks to their life and work conditions, but to create with their own actions and alternatives a different solution to this crisis, one that permits to replace the predatory neoliberalism to a more just social model and that permits ultimately save the humanity and the planet from disaster. The creation of this solution will be the thread holding the WSF process together. In this way, the IC makes a call for participation in the reflection, the discussion and the building of this strategic vision to what can be the WSF in 2010 (going from the 2009 initiatives and ^”culminating^‘ in the 2011 WSF): - One year of multiple connected activities under the WSF process (or, as someone has said it, ^”a long WSF year^‘) - Put this activities under the label of the WSF 10th anniversary. - Connect these activities in content, images and international participation, and in a logic of accumulation of propositions and actions. - Put all the activities under the umbrella of one slogan. It must still be aproved by the IC, but so far it would be *^”Another solution to the crisis is possible^‘*^≈ to which could be made several different suggestions in the different events, activities or regions. - Create a special logo to it, which will be subject to a ^”contest^‘. - Create other simbolic elements, such as a globe drawn to this purpose and wich will be used as the symbol in every event (just like the Olympic torch). - Guarantee the interconnection of the events through a ^”system of tools^‘ such as the Internet (as in ^”BelÈm expanded^‘), a web page etc. - Guarantee not only the connection but also the sum of proposals and initiatives by means of a ^”form^‘ of questions to be answered in all activities. - In addition to the specific work of each committee of the IC, the creation of a "structure" to ensure meeting the goals: a network of responsibles of every event related to the Strategy Commission to collect and systematize the contributions, a mechanism for coordinating the search of resources, an ad hoc working group of the IC to draw up, promote and coordinate the overall strategy, which has already begun to take form. In this way, waiting for creative inputs and their maturation during the IC meeting in October in Montreal, we are sure that the agreed strategic perspective will give a new impulse to the WSF process and above all else it will be useful to the articulation of the actions and alternatives of the social movements and the civil society in general in order to make another world possible, which is now more urgent than ever. Liaison Group / WSF IC ** ----------- CASTELLANO ----------- * * *EL FORO SOCIAL MUNDIAL EN EL 2010:* *CONSTRUYENDO OTRA SALIDA A LA CRISIS DESDE LOS MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES* * * - *Enlazando las Respuestas Sociales del 2009* - *Celebrando Diez AÒos de Foro Social Mundial* - *Conectando M˙ltiples Iniciativas y Eventos Bajo el Proceso del FSM* - *Hacia el FSM 2011 en Senegal* * * El Consejo Internacional del FSM, en su ˙ltima reuniÛn celebrada del 6 al 9 de mayo en Rabat, Marruecos, abordÛ entre sus puntos centrales la discusiÛn sobre las perspectivas del FSM en el 2010, es decir, la estrategia a seguir en un aÒo clave entre las acciones en curso en el 2009 y la realizaciÛn del XI FSM en 2011, el cual se ha resuelto se realizar· en Senegal, ¡frica. Numerosas actividades e iniciativas a realizarse en el 2010 fueron presentadas durante la reuniÛn. Foros mundiales tem·ticos, foros regionales, foros nacionales, alguno de estos ˙ltimos con actividades internacionales aparejadas, se encuentran en marcha. Para dar una idea y de manera tentativa, puesto que a˙n faltan precisiones y en todo caso se podr·n ver con m·s detalle en las minutas del Consejo, las siguientes son las actividades en el orden en que se presentaron: - Foro Social Estados Unidos, en Detroit, con un dÌa internacional de actividades adjunto por la relevancia estratÈgica del lugar, en junio. - Foro Mundial de EducaciÛn, en Palestina, durante el segundo semestre. - Foro Mundial sobre Crisis de las Civilizaciones y Nuevos Paradigmas, en el Cuzco, Per˙, durante el primer trimestre. - Diversos foros tem·ticos en distintos paÌses de la regiÛn del Magreb y el Mashrek, en el transcurso de todo el aÒo - Foro Mundial sobre Medio Ambiente, MigraciÛn y SoberanÌa Alimentaria, en NÌger, sin fecha - Foro Urbano Mundial preparatorio para la Asamblea Mundial de Habitantes del 2011, en RÌo de Janeiro, en marzo - Foro Internacional de celebraciÛn del 10 aniversario del FSM, en Porto Alegre, en enero - Foro Internacional sobre la Salida a la Crisis (coincidente con la reuniÛn del CI) en MÈxico, abril-mayo - Diversos foros en ¡frica preparatorios del 2011, durante todo el aÒo - Foro en Nepal, øø, y Foro Mundial sobre Democracia, en Bangla Desh - Sexto Foro Social Europeo, en Estambul, en junio - Foro Social de CataluÒa, en enero - Foro sobre los Derechos Colectivos de los Pueblos, en CataluÒa, durante la primavera Adem·s de precisiones y confirmaciones pendientes sobre lo anterior, seguramente a˙n faltan otras actividades que no se reportaron pero est·n en curso, como el Foro Social AmÈricas, y las que todavÌa puedan aÒadirse. Desde luego, todo ello sin considerar las acciones y movilizaciones que seguramente los movimientos sociales estar·n desarrollando de manera global, regional o nacional. Ante este panorama, el consenso del CI fue en el sentido de que no era posible ni correcto ^”escoger^‘, autorizar^‘ o decidir cu·l actividad se hacÌa y cual no, o cu·l podÌa ser central; tampoco se trataba de crear una iniciativa global pero artificial al margen de esta din·mica. Por lo tanto, se asumiÛ que todas las iniciativas presentadas, asÌ como otras en preparaciÛn, podr·n ser realizadas bajo la responsabilidad de sus organizadores y la facilitaciÛn del CI. Al mismo tiempo, no se trata de que en el 2010 se dÈ una suerte de feria de eventos sin conexiÛn, sino enmarcadas bajo el proceso FSM y conectados por una misma estrategia. Tal estrategia no puede ser otra que una que borde en torno a hacer del FSM un proceso ˙til para enlazar las respuestas y alternativas de los movimientos sociales y la sociedad civil en general a la crisis o, mejor dicho, a ^”las crisis^‘, porque es claro que enfrentamos no sÛlo una crisis global financiera o econÛmica, sino tambiÈn ambiental, alimentaria, energÈtica, de civilizaciones, en fin, humanitaria. En los puntos de reflexiÛn sobre la crisis y sobre posibles estrategias que precedieron al tema del 2010 resaltaba no sÛlo lo anterior, sino el hecho de que ciertamente la crisis tendr· un ^”final^‘, que los grandes poderes y capitales globales est·n preparando su ^”salida^‘, acorde a la reproducciÛn de sus intereses, y que Èsta puede significar la imposiciÛn de un modelo tanto o m·s perverso que el actual. Por tanto, los movimientos sociales y la sociedad civil en general tienen el reto no sÛlo de responder a los ataques en curso contra sus condiciones de vida y de trabajo, sino tambiÈn de construir con sus acciones y alternativas una salida diferente a la crisis, aquella que permita remplazar al neoliberalismo depredador por un modelo social m·s justo y que en definitiva permita salvar a la humanidad y al planeta del desastre actual. La construcciÛn de esta salida ser· pues el hilo conductor del proceso FSM. De esta manera, el CI resolviÛ y hace un llamado a participar en la reflexiÛn, la discusiÛn y la construcciÛn de esta visiÛn estratÈgica para lo que puede ser el FSM en el 2010 (partiendo de las iniciativas del 2009 y ^”culminando^‘ en el FSM 2011): - Un aÒo de m˙ltiples actividades conectadas bajo el proceso del FSM (o, como dijo alguien, ^”un largo aÒo de FSM^‘) - Poniendo esas actividades bajo el sello del dÈcimo aniversario del FSM - Conectando esas actividades en contenido, imagen y presencia internacional, y en una lÛgica de acumulaciÛn de propuestas y acciones - Colocando todas las actividades bajo el paraguas de un mismo slogan. A˙n a ser ratificado por el CI, el slogan consensado serÌa: *^”Otra Salida a la Crisis Es Posible^‘*^≈ al que se le podrÌan poner distintos ^”apellidos^‘ acordes o derivados de los distintos eventos, actividades o regiones - Creando un logo especial para ese mismo propÛsito, que estarÌa sujeto a una especie de ^”concurso^‘ - Creando otros elementos simbÛlicos, tales como un Globo diseÒado para ese efecto que pasarÌa como estafeta de evento en evento (en una idea similar a la antorcha olÌmpica) - Garantizando la interconexiÛn de los eventos mediante un ^”sistema de instrumentos^‘ como el Internet (como en ^”Belem expanded^‘), la p·gina web, etc. - Garantizando no sÛlo la conexiÛn sino la acumulaciÛn de propuestas e iniciativas por medio de un ^”formulario^‘ de preguntas comunes a responder en todas las actividades - Adem·s de la labor especÌfica de cada comisiÛn del CI, creaciÛn de una ^”estructura^‘ que garantice cumplir los objetivos: una red de responsables salidos de cada evento vinculada a la ComisiÛn de Estrategia para recoger los aportes y sistematizarlos; un mecanismo de coordinaciÛn de b˙squeda de recursos; un Grupo de Trabajo ad hoc del CI para diseÒar, impulsar y coordinar el conjunto de la estrategia, mismo que ya comenzÛ a formarse. De esta forma, y en espera de aportes creativos y de terminar de madurarlo en el CI de octubre en Montreal, estamos seguros de que la perspectiva estratÈgica acordada dar· un nuevo impulso al proceso FSM y, sobre todo, lo har· ˙til a la causa de la articulaciÛn de las acciones y alternativas de los movimientos sociales y la sociedad civil en general, para hacer otro mundo posible hoy que es m·s urgente que nunca. Grupo de Enlace / CI del FSM _______________________________________________ Wsfic_fsmci mailing list