WSF 7 Years

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A seminar (3 parts) organised by the wsf 7 years group on Tuesday 23 January

Alternative Information Center Jeruzalem-Bethelehem, Enda, Ethos, Centre for Civil Society (Durban), Center of Indian Trade Unions (Cetri), Cetri, International Press Service, Kepa, Liberdade Brasil, NIGD, Paolo Freire Institute, Program for Democracy and Global Transformation

WSF 7 Years (1) - the Future of the Movements

Have global movements changed their tactics, their ways of mobilizing or pushing for change? If so, why? what happened? Has the phase of mass mobilization passed? If so, why? What has replaced it? In what parts of the world, and around what issues? What kind of tactics are they now pursuing?

Have protest movements based on mass mobilization turned into ‘global democratization movements’? Have our movements similarly become more democratic? In what ways?

Date : Tuesday, January 23

Time: 11:00 - 13.30

Location: 12 IN lower

Group work and synthesis

Invited participants:

Nicola Bullard

Virginia Vargas

Immanuel Wallerstein

Mohau Pheko

Hilary Wainwright

Demba Dembele

Jan Aart Scholte

Patrick Bond

Christophe Aguiton

Michele De Palma

Michel Warschawski

Edgardo Lander

Moema Miranda

Raffaella Bolini

WSF 7 Years (2) - the Future Movements of the Forum

After 7 years of social fora all around the world, we find ourselves increasingly in a moment of self-reflection, around different questions. How can the Forum be made politically more useful? In how far is the Forum a process tie-ing together the experiences in local and regional process and how should we relate to other initiatives and spaces, as for example the autonomous spaces around the Forum? To what extent is the world social forum reproducing exclusions and practices of the neocolonial capitalist order, and how can these be overcome?

Date: Tuesday, January 23

Time: 14:30 - 17:00

Location: 12 IN lower

Group work followed by public debate; Invited participants:

Boaventura de Sousa Santos

Chico Whitaker

Prabir Purkayastha

Edward Oyugi

Taoufik Ben Abdallah

Amade Suca

Dorothea Haerlin

Sarah Longwe

Annibal Quijano

WSF 7 Years (3) - Relations with Progressive Political Parties and

Governments: Independence or Hypocrisy?

Date: Tuesday January 23

Time: 17:30 - 20:00

Location: 12 IN lower

Whilst political parties are specifically excluded from WSF participation, invited political leaders have contributed to, and arguably on occasion dominated, instances of the WSF. Direct and indirect financial support has also been accepted from local and national governments. Within the wider debate about the politicisation of the WSF itself, this session will focus specifically on balancing relations with “likeminded” players from the government sector.

Dialogue format with two government representatives and civil society actors

Vice Minister Partrizia Sentinelli, Italy

Luis Dulci, Brazil

Invited Respondents:

Kumi Naidoo (South Africa)

Sylvia Borren (Netherlands)

Oded Grajew (Brasil)

Vinod Raina (India)

Rabia Abdelkrim-Chikh (Senegal)

Moussa Demba (Senegal)

Hilary Wainwright (Great Britain)

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