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{{XLanguage|en=Ethics EN|fr=Ethics FR|es=Ethics ES|de=Ethics DE|pt=Ethics PT}}
{{XLanguage|en=Ethics|fr=Ethics FR|es=Ethics ES|de=Ethics DE|pt=Ethics PT|it=Ethics IT}}
=='''The Imperative of Responsibility'''==
L'Humanite, face à une nature vulnerable et a un avenir indetermine, doit agir collectivement selon des principes de responsabilite.
Humanity, faced with a fragile environment and an uncertain future, must act collectively according to principles of responsibility.
Ceux-ci doivent s'etendre à la biosphere terrestre et à l'horizon lointain des generations futures pour guider nos decisions dans l'action presente, dans le champ de l'action politique.
These principles must extend to the earth's biosphere and to the distant horizon of future generations to guide our decisions on present actions, in the field of politics.
Entendant l'appel muet qui emane de la plenitude du monde de la vie, la ou son integrite est menacee, nous formulons ici ces principes :
• "Considere la nature vulnerable comme un bien confie"
Listening to the silent appeal emitted by the whole living world, where it sees its integrity threatened, we hereby formulate these principles:
'''"Consider vulnerable nature a good entrusted to you"'''
•  '''"Act  so that the effects of your action are compatible with the permanence of genuine human life"'''
• "Agis de facon que les effets de ton action soient compatibles avec la Permanence d'une vie authentiquement humaine sur terre".
Meconnaissant les effets ultimes, cumulatifs et irreversibles de nos reussites technologiques, nous formulons egalement le principe :
As we do not know the ultimate, cumulative and irreversible effects of our technological successes, we formulate the following principle:
• "Fais en sorte que ton pouvoir de faire n'excede pas ton pouvoir de prevoir, d'evaluer et de juger".
"Ensure that your '''power to do''' does not exceed your '''power to foresee, to evaluate and to judge'''"
En resume (Cf.Hans Jonas) : l'"'''imperatif responsabilite'''"
In short: (cf. Hans Jonas): the Imperative of Responsibility. This means something as regards the [[Framework for International Trade]]

Latest revision as of 19:06, 2 October 2008

DE . EN . ES . FR . IT . PT

The Imperative of Responsibility

Humanity, faced with a fragile environment and an uncertain future, must act collectively according to principles of responsibility.

These principles must extend to the earth's biosphere and to the distant horizon of future generations to guide our decisions on present actions, in the field of politics.

Listening to the silent appeal emitted by the whole living world, where it sees its integrity threatened, we hereby formulate these principles:

"Consider vulnerable nature a good entrusted to you"

"Act so that the effects of your action are compatible with the permanence of genuine human life"

As we do not know the ultimate, cumulative and irreversible effects of our technological successes, we formulate the following principle:

• "Ensure that your power to do does not exceed your power to foresee, to evaluate and to judge"

In short: (cf. Hans Jonas): the Imperative of Responsibility. This means something as regards the Framework for International Trade


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