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==2011 DAKAR ==
==2011 DAKAR ==
'''Here we put information about librarians at the Dakar World Socail Forum in February 2011'''
'''Here we put information about librarians at the Dakar World Social Forum in February 2011'''

Revision as of 11:43, 4 February 2011

Add your news and gossip about the event and the process here, most recent on top

Hallo hallo, its chrismas time!thank God the year is over!wishing you a merry x-mas and a happy new year. carolina wamae.

a hours ago i thought wiki and wsf are the same. that is because in my place where i use internate, I can access but mediawiki never been opened. i do no why. Getrude.

Gossip page? Let me do it a bit. As an old man,it seems this project has mainly attracted the admission of (1) young people, and (2)ladies. An old man like me can feel very lonely!



2011 DAKAR

Here we put information about librarians at the Dakar World Social Forum in February 2011

Day 1

5 February : Meetings at the library to organise the collecting of the documents

Day 2

6 February: informing and Trainining the collectors to update with new information

Day 3

7 February: Collecting documents on the African social movements during the "Africa days" of the WSF

Day 4

8 February: International workshop on the methodology of "documentation for social justice"

Day 5

9 February: Collecting documents about the differents activities of the WSF

Day 6

10 February: Collecting documents about the differents activities of the WSF

Day 7

11 February: Meeting to sum up what have been achieved



The word is not just synonymouse but means a lot!

The My Blog-feature has been added to this Wiki. See the most recent blogs via "recent blogs" in the left navigation bar. --Admin 14:49, 11 May 2007 (EAT)

It looks like we are not updating our media wiki. This has made the KENET management quite concerned. Remember that if you do not practice your skills on this project, you will lose them. We still hope that we shall get someone to finance our next project of going to document the Commonwealth meeting in Kampala, Uganda. So please be active. Esther

Today marks the completion of the editing process. Today we also managed to upload the Full List of books and materials we collected during the forum. The list can be found at at



This is to let you know that a lot of work has been going on since we left Kasarani. The student volunteers from Moi University have done a lot of work on our MediaWiki. If you look at the editing that had been done, you will agree with me that they need a pat on the back. They have also processed the hard copies that were collected during the Forum.These copies are now ready for circulation. Soon the entire list will be posted to our website. Thank you all for the good work Esther

We are already uploading the information the team is bringing to us.

That was yesterday, Sunday. What are you doing today? On the TV news yesterday evening, it was said that about 20.000 people have arrived to Kenya by air or by road to participate in the Nairobi WSF. What estimates of the number of participants have you heard or seen? --Admin 13:20, 22 January 2007 (EAT)

The WSF organising committee has just released Final programme of the 4 days of conferences, meetings and workshops starting on Monday 21 January  ! This is really an achievement, indeed a world record. Never before has the final programme been available before the first day of the mammoth event. Pongensi pongensi! To retrieve the excel file with the programme, go here: --Admin 10:13, 18 January 2007 (EAT)

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