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(WATER EN,Translated from French by Jean-Pierre Schermann and Morton Brussel, for Coorditrad.)
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{{XLanguage|en=Water EN|fr=Water FR|es=Water ES|de=Water DE|pt=Water PT|it=Water IT}}
{{XLanguage|en=Water EN|fr=Water FR|es=Water ES|de=Water DE|pt=Water PT|it=Water IT}}
L'eau est une ressource vitale menacee ; conformement au principe Principe Responsabilité :
Water is a threatened vital resource. In accordance with the Principle of Responsibility:
'''"L'Humanité doit collectivement preserver l'eau pour la perennité des ecosystemes et au benefice des generations futures".'''
'''"Humanity must collectively protect water for the durability of ecosystems and for the benefit of future generations".'''
L'eau est vitale et non substituable, comme l'air que nous respirons.
Water is vital and not substitutable, like the air we breathe.
'''"L'acces à une eau saine doit etre garanti comme un Droit Humain universel, imprescriptible".'''
*  '''"Access to healthy water must be secured as a universal inalienable Human Right."'''
Naturellement donnee et indispensable à la vie, bien patrimonial du Vivant et non marchandise,
'''"l'eau  ne doit pas etre soumise à la concurrence et aux lois du marché".'''
Provided by Nature and essential for Life, a personal asset of the Living and non merchandisable,
*  '''"Water must not be subjected to competition and the laws of the Market".'''
Les pouvoirs publics en charge du bien collectif doivent
'''"garantir à toute personne le droit de disposer du minimum vital"''' : une eau de qualité, en quantité suffisante pour son alimentation, sa santé, ses besoins de base".
Public powers in charge of collective goods must
*  '''"guarantee for anyone the right to have the vital minimum availabe, quality water",''' in sufficient amount for food, health and basic needs.
'''La participation des citoyens et citoyennes à la politique de l'eau doit etre promue''' pour garantir la perennité, la disponibilité, l'accessibilité et la qualité de l'eau.
*  '''"Participation of all citizens in the water policy must be promoted"''' so as to guarantee the durability, the availability and the quality of water.
'''La cooperation de regions du monde doit etre organisee''' en vue de la meilleure repartition en fonction des disponibilité et besoins, pour eviter toutes competitions pour la ressource et restrictions d'acces.
*  '''"Cooperation between the World s regions must be organized"''' for a optimum apportionment, considering availabilities and needs, so as to avoid any competitions for the resource or restrictions on access.
L'eau a un cout : extraction, stockage, potabilisation, distribution, collecte des eaux usees et des eaux pluviales, epuration.
'''"Le cout de reconstitution de l'eau, et celui-là seulement doit etre assumé par la collectivité".'''  
Water has a cost: extraction, storage, potability, distribution, collection of sewage and rainwater, purification.
'''"The cost of regeneration of water, and this one only, must be assumed by the community."'''
Il faut gerer l'eau comme un bien public, par un service de proximité, avec :
Water must be managed as a public good, by local community service with:
*  '''"A solidarity and fair price structure, prompting sustainable behaviors"'''
*  '''"A local democratic control guaranteeing users the relevant information".'''
-'''"une structure de prix solidaire et equitable, incitant aux comportements durables"'''
-'''"Un controle democratique local garantissant aux usagers l'information pertinente"'''.
==Strategies d'utilisation des moyens==
<A completer>
==Use of means strategies==
<To be completed>
[[Category: WTO]]
[[Category: WTO]]
[[Category: Actionable themes]]
[[Category: Actionable themes]]
[[Category: Water]]
[[Category: Water]]

Revision as of 07:17, 13 September 2008

DE . EN . ES . FR . IT . PT



Water is a threatened vital resource. In accordance with the Principle of Responsibility:

Water is vital and not substitutable, like the air we breathe.

Provided by Nature and essential for Life, a personal asset of the Living and non merchandisable,


Public powers in charge of collective goods must

Water has a cost: extraction, storage, potability, distribution, collection of sewage and rainwater, purification.

Water must be managed as a public good, by local community service with:



Use of means strategies

<To be completed>

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