From KLAMediaWiki
The civil society seeks an alternative to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to promote better trade rules: good for people, for life.
An Internet forum called "Wiki-WTO" or "Wiki-ITO" will be used by a Community of activists, to act upon: the Public, NGOs, politicians, law-makers,... as sketched below .
The wiki shall interact with:
- Contributors (Authors/Reviewers/…), producing intellectual social contents
- Translators
- Consumers of the information (Public; Politicians; Law-makers; NGOs….)
- Administrator
- Moderators
- Ennemies
- Each category having expectations as outlined below <upcoming image>:
During the Attac European Summer University in Sarrebrueck 1-6 August 2008, the nascent Wiki-ITO was presented and activists from different countries joined forces.
The upcoming challenge is now to cooperate through the Wiki itself, in such a way that every person contributes what she/he likes on a volunteering basis. What would you like to bring? Below are some possibilities.
Community expansion Agree on a core team for administration and moderation Find most appropriate wiki name if needed Communicate to reach NGOs and expand to a larger community
Common Rules Define our own rules for:
- Coordinating multilanguage translations
- Reviewing translated contents
- Find an appropriate/permanent/long-term Website-Host computer
- Secure the data for back-up/integrity
- Allocate rights to new users
- Adapt performance and capacity
Wiki development
- Upgrading functions and page layout
- Support the upgrades: tree-structures, links…
- Help beginners/newcomers?
Contents development
- Develop an efficient tree-structure, with appropriate coverage of topics
- Develop contents (uppermost values/objectives/…)